
Showing posts from January, 2017

What is universe?

Hello friends, in this post I will tell you what is the significant meaning of universe. So, most of you think 1.What is Universe?  The  Universe  is all of  time  and  space and its contents. [9] [10] [11] [12]  It includes planets ,  moons ,  minor planets ,  stars , galaxies , the contents of  intergalactic space , and all  matter  and  energy . The size of the entire Universe is unknown. The earliest scientific models of the Universe were developed by  ancient Greek  and  Indian philosophers  and were geocentric , placing the Earth at the center of the Universe. [13] [14]  Over the centuries, more precise astronomical observations led  Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) to develop the  heliocentric model  with the Sun at the center of the Solar System . In developing the  law of universal gravitation ,  Sir Isaac Newton ( NS : 1643–1727) built upon Copernicus's work as well as observations by  Tycho Brahe  (1546–1601) and  Johannes Kepler 's (1571–1630)  laws of pla

Saturn: a Universal legend

Saturn:A legend!  How could a planet have rings of ice? What would it be like to fly out and visit the planet, to see the rings with your own eyes. How did it get all those strange moons? When I was 14, I purchased my first telescope, a 4-inch Newtonian from a local company in Vancouver. It was summer, and one of the first planets, appearing just after sunset was Saturn. And my telescope had just enough power and magnification to resolve the planet and its famous rings. In fact, when I first looked at Saturn through the eyepiece, I couldn't believe that I was now seeing the planet with my own eyes. It didn't look quite like the photographs, but my imagination could fill in the gaps. From those first observations, my fascination with astronomy and Saturn only grew, leading me to a career in science journalism. It's funny to think how far I've come, and how I can trace everything back to those warm summer nights, looking at Saturn. Think you know everything about Sa